Territorial jurisdiction
Settlement |
railway station Bamburovo |
railway station Ryazanovka |
Busset lighthouse |
Baza Kruglaya village |
urban settlement Slavyanka | Poyma village |
Romashka village |
Kedrovaya railway station |
Provalovo railway station |
Sukhanovka railway station |
Barsovy railway junction | Pozharsky railway junction |
Gamov lighthouse |
urban-type settlement Zarubino |
urban village Kraskino |
urban village Posyet |
urban village Primorsky |
urban village of Khasan |
Andreevka village |
Barabash village |
Bezverkhovo village |
Vityaz village |
Gvozdevo village |
Zaysanovka village |
Zanadvorovka village |
Kravtsovka village |
Lebedinoe village |
Mayachnoye village |
Narva village |
Ovchinnikovo village |
Perevoznoe village |
the village of Risovaya Pad |
the village of Sukhaya Rechka |
the village of Filippovka |
Tsukanovo village |
Shykhterskoe village |
Monday-Thursday: from 8. 30 to 17. 30
Friday: from 8. 30 to 16 .15
Lunch: from 13. 00 to 13. 45
Day off: Saturday, Sunday.
Monday-Thursday: from 8. 30 to 17. 30
Friday: from 8. 30 to 16. 15
Lunch: from 13. 00 to 13. 45
Weekends: Saturday, Sunday
Reception is held in the office number 18.
Reception hours for citizens, their representatives, representatives of legal entities:
Working days from 8.30 a.m. to 1.00 p.m. and from 13 p.m. 45 to 17. 30 hours
Reception is conducted by assistants to judges in cabinet No. 18.
Help information on the procedure for considering appeals regarding the organization of court activity, complaints about actions (inaction) of judges or employees of the court apparatus, not related to the consideration of specific cases, appeals of judicial acts and procedural actions, can be received:
Working days from 8. 30 to 13. 00 hours and from 13. 45 to 17. 30 hours p>
Head of office management department, N. Litovchenko
Phone: (42331) 46-2-91
Receiving appeals, claims events
1. ) Reception of appeals, private complaints of sentences, court rulings in criminal cases, appeals, representations of decisions that have not entered into legal force and rulings of a court in civil cases are made on working days by leading court experts
from 8. 30-13. 00
from 13.45-17. 30
2. ) Reception of statements of claim, statements, complaints is made by assistant judges on business days
from 8. 30-13. 00
from 13.45-17. 30
Contact information
(Khasansky district code is 42331)
Chairman of the court Shvetsova Irina Sergeevna
Secretary c/s Romashkina Elena Nikolaevna 46-5-53
Assistant to the Chairperson Anna Maklygina 49-1-74
Judge Sinenko Ilya Sergeevich
Secretary c/s Khaletskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna 46-1-70
Assistant to the judge Husainova Serafima Aleksandrovna 49-1-74
Judge Volkova Svetlana Yurevna
Secretary c/s Tregubenko Tatyana Vladimirovna 49-1-80
Assistant Judge Pukhkalo Inna Mikhailovna 49-1-74
Judge Gurskaya Anna Nikolaevna
Secretary c/s Repetun Elena Sergeevna 47-1-57
Assistant judge Sityuk Natalya Valerievna 49-1-74
Judge Khlyzova Natalya Sergeevna
Secretary of the c/o Osolikhina Olga Ivanovna 46- 5-53
Assistant to the judge ---
Judge Vorobyov Vladimir Alekseevich
Secretary of the c/s Gryazeva Svetlana Stanislavovna 46-4-50
< p> Assistant judge --------------------------------------- --------------- ---------------------
Head of the clerk Litovchenko Natalya Sergeevna 46-2-91
Consultant of the court Victoria Cherepakhina Mikhailovna 49-1-74
Administrator of the court Viktor Nikolayevich Grinenko 49-1-06
Reception desk for the reception of citizens, representatives of organizations 49-1-74
< p> Composition of the Khasansky district court
(Khasansky district code 42331)
President of the court
Shvetsova Irina Sergeevna
Is the President of the Khasansky district court on the basis of Of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation from 20. 07. 2017 N 329;
Cabinet No. 13
Assistant to the Chairman: Maklygina Anna Vladimirovna
Secretary of the court session: Romashkina Elena Nikolaevna | Telephone of the assistant: 49-1-74
Telephone of the clerk of the court session: 46-5-53
Federal judge
Ilya Sergeevich Sinenko
He is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of Presidential Decree of 21. 04. 2012 N 494 " On the appointment of judges of district courts ";
Cabinet No. 16
Assistant: Khusainova Xie Rafima Aleksandrovna - Secretary of the court session: Khaleckaya Svetlana Vladimirovna
Telephone of the assistant: 49-1-74
Telephone of the secretary of the court session: 46-1-70
Federal judge
Volkova Svetlana Yurevna
Is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28. 07. 2012 N 1071 "On the appointment of judges of district courts";
Cabinet No. 3
Assistant: Pukhkalo Inna Mikhailovna - Registrar of the court session: Tregubenko Tatyana Vladimirovna
Telephone of the assistant: 49-1-74
Telephone of the secretary of the court hearing: 46-4-50
Federal judge
Gurskaya Anna Nikolaevna - Is a judge of the Khasansky district court at based on the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 29. 08. 2013 N 688 "On the appointment of judges of the federal courts and members of the presidiums of the courts."
Cabinet No. 6
Assistant: Sityuk Natalya Valerievna
Registrar of the court session: Repetun Elena Sergeevna.
Telephone of the assistant: 49-1-74
Telephone of the secretary of the court hearing: 47-1-57
Federal judge
Natalya Khlyzova
Is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of the Decree Of the President of the Russian Federation of 02. 03. 2018 No. 92 "On the appointment of judges of the federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation."
Cabinet number 13
Assistant: ---
The secretary of the court session: Olga Osolikhina
The phone number of the assistant: ---
Telephone of the secretary of the court session: 46-5-53
Federal judge
Vorobyov Vladimir Alekseevich
He is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the appointment of judges of the federal courts and on representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of constituent entities of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2018 years number 776
Cabinet number 2
Assistant: ---
The secretary of the court session: Gryzeva Svetlana Stanislavovna
The phone number of the assistant: ---
The phone number of the secretary of the court session: ---
Head of the clerical department
Litovchenko Natalya Sergeevna
Cabinet number 9
Phone: 46-2-91
Grounds for empowering the chairman, judges of the Khasansky district court .
Shvetsova Irina Sergeevna is the Chairman of the Khasan district court on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 20. 07. 2017 N 329;
Sinenko Ilya Sergeevich is a judge of the Khasan district court on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21. 04. 2012 N 494 "On the appointment of judges of district courts";
Volkova Svetlana Yuryevna is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 28. 07. 2012 N 1071 "" On the appointment of judges of district courts "";
Gurskaya Anna Nikolaevna is a judge of the Khasansky district court on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 29. 08. 2013 N 688 "On the appointment of judges of federal courts and members of the presidiums of courts"; p >
Natalya Khlyzova is a judge of the Khasansky District Court on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02. 03. 2018 No. 92 "On the Appointment of Judges of the Federal Courts and on Representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the Qualification Collegiums of Judges of the Subjects of the Russian Federation";
Vorobyov Vladimir Alekseevich is with of the Khasansky District Court on the basis of the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On the appointment of judges of the federal courts and on the representatives of the President of the Russian Federation in the qualification collegiums of judges of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation" dated December 30, 2018 No. 776
The apparatus of the Khasansky District Court
State civil servants:
Head of the clerk Litovchenko Natalya Sergeevna
Assistant to the chairman of the court Maklygina Anna Vladimirovna
Assistant to the judge Sityuk Natalya Valerievna < br> Assistant Judge Khusainova Serafima Aleksandrovna
Assistant Judge Pukhkalo Inna Mikhailovna
Consultant Cherepakhina Victoria Mikhailovna
Senior Specialist Savina Elena Vasilievna
Senior Specialist Serebryakova Svetlana Anatolevna
Specialist of the 1st category Sergey Anatolyevich Abrosimov
Court clerk Olga Ivanovna Osolikhina
Court clerk Elena Nikolaevna Romashkina
Court clerk Tre gubenko Tatyana Vladimirovna
Secretary of the court session Khaletskaya Svetlana Vladimirovna
Secretary of the court session Gryazeva Svetlana Stanislavovna
Secretary of the court session Repetun Elena Sergeevna
Secretary of the court Torgashina Dina Valerevna
Registrar of the court Maltseva Anastasia Igorenga
Registrar of the court Lymar Anastasia Anatolyevna
Administrator of the court:
Viktor Grinenko
Structural units of the apparatus of the Khasansky district court
(Khasansky district code 42331)
Chairman of the court Shvetsova Irina Sergeevna
Judge Sinenko Ilya Sergeevich
Judge Volkova Svetlana Yuryevna
Judge Gurskaya Anna Nikolaevna
Judge Hlyzova Natalya Sergeevna
Judge Vorobyov Vladimir Alekseevich
Assistant judges:
Assistant to the Chairman Anna Maklygina
Cabinet No. 18
Phone: 49-1-74
< p> Assistant judge Sityuk Natalya ValerievnaCabinet number 18
Phone: 49-1-74
Assistant judge Khusainova Serafima Aleksandrovna
Cabinet number 18
Phone: 49-1-74
Assistant judge Pukhkalo Inna Mikhailovna
Cabinet number 18
Phone: 49-1-74
Administrator of the court:
Administrator of the court Viktor Grinenko
Phone: 49-1-06
Office work department:
Office work head Natalya Sergeevna Litovchenko
Cabinet number 9
Phone: 46-2-91
Consultant Cherepakhina Victoria Mikhailovna
Cabinet number 18
Phone: 49-1-74
< p> Leading specialist Savina Elena VasilievnaCabinet number 9
Phone: 46-2-91
Leading specialist Serebryakova Svetlana Anatolyevna
Cabinet No. 9
Phone: 46-2-91
Secretary of the court session Osolikhina Olga Ivanovna
Cabinet No. 13
Phone: 46 -5-53
Court clerk Romashkina Elena Nikolaevna
Cabinet number 1
Phone: 46-5-53
Court clerk meetings Tregubenko Tatyana Vladimirovna
Cabinet No. 1
Phone: 46-4-50
Secretary of the court session Khaleckaya Svetlana Vladimirovna
Cabinet No. 16
Phone: 46- 1-70
Court clerk Repetun Elena Sergeevna
Cabinet number 6
Phone: 47-1-57
Court clerk Naydenskaya Alexandra Vasilievna
Cabinet number 9
Phone: 46-2-91
Court Secretary Maltseva Anastasia Igporev
Cabinet number 9 p>
Phone: 46-2-91
Secretary of the Court Lymar Anastasia Anatolyevna
Cabinet No. 9
Phone: 46-2-91 p>
1st category specialist Sergey Anatolyevich Abrosimov
Cabinet number 12
Phone: 49-1-74
Videoconferencing communication
Data of the videoconferencing
The Khasan district court of Primorsky Krai has the technical ability to conduct court hearings in videoconferencing (VKS) mode.
Court address: 692701, Primorsky Territory, Khasansky District, town. Slavyanka, st. Chkalova, 8.
The time difference between the village. Slavyanka and Moscow: 7 hours
The room of the courtroom equipped with the videoconferencing: room No. 2
The IP-address of the room: 10. 25. 77. 50
< p> VKS Departmental Network Phone (Fax) Number:IP Phone: 7257799
IP Fax: 7257799
VoIP Phone Numbers for Communication:
- VoIP phone number 1 (room number 2): 7257701
- VoIP phone number 1 (room of the court specialist): 7257702
Contact details of persons, Responsible for the organization and technical support of the videoconferencing:
Administrator of the court, Victor Nikolayevich Grinenko 8 (42331) 49-1-06.
Help phone numbers for court vacancies
Phone numbers by which you can get information on filling a vacant judge’s position, vacant public service posts in the apparatus Khasansky District Court.
Office department |
head of the department Natalia Sergeevna Litovchenko |
Phone: (42331) 46-2-91 |