Orda District Court of the Perm Territory
Address: 617500, Perm Territory, s. Horde, st. Sovetskaya, 24
Phone/fax: 8 (34258) 2-04-47 (office)
Phone: 8 (34258) 2-11-59 (reception)
Permanent judicial presence in the village of Uinskoye, Uinsky district as part of the Orda District Court of the Perm Territory
Address: 617520, Perm Territory, s. Uinskoe, st. Kommunisticheskaya, 81
Phone/fax: 8 (34259) 2-34-33 (office)
Territorial jurisdiction of the Orda District Court
With. Ashap, s. Upper Kungur, s. Second Keys, p. Gryzany, s. Zhuravlevo, s. Karjevo, s. Opachevka, s. Krasny Yasyl, s. Small Ashap, s. Medyanka, s. Mikhino, s. Horde, s. Sosnovka, s. Shlyapniki, Andreevka village, Balyakovka village, Beloe Ozero village, Beryozovaya Gora village, Goluzino village, Golukhino village, Gribany village, Gryaznukha village, Klimikha village, Kurilovo village, Marinkino village, Mezhovka, Mezentsy village, Merekai village, Mikhailovka village, Pavlovo village, Pankovo village, Podzuevo village, Podberezovo village, Pochinki village, Prityki village, Serkino village, Salomaty village, Skhodskaya village, the village of Taisya, the village of Teryokhino, the village of Cheremiska, the village of Sharynino, the village of Sherstobita, the village of Shchelkanka, the village of Yakovlevka.
Court working hours:
Monday - from 9:00 to 18:00
Tuesday - from 9:00 to 18:00
Wednesday - from 9:00 to 18:00
Thursday - from 9:00 to 18:00
Friday - from 9:00 to 17:00
Lunch - from 13:00 until 13:48 o'clock
Saturday, Sunday is a day off
Schedule of reception of citizens in the Ordinskiy District Court:
Wednesday - Chief Justice Tutynina Tatiana Nikolaevna from 10:00 to 12:00
Friday - Judge Tatiana Sergeevna Vavikina from 14:00 to 16:00
Schedule of reception of citizens in the Ordinsky district court (permanent court presence in the village of Uinskoye):
Monday - Judge Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Bratchikova with 09:00 to 10:00
Tuesday - Judge Natalya Vladimirovna Shestakova from 09:00 to 10:00
Wednesday - Judge Nadezhda Alexandrovna Bratchikova from 09:00 to 10:00
Thursday - Judge Natalya Vladimirovna Shestakova from 09:00 to 10:00
Friday - Judge Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Bratchikova from 09:00 to 10:00
Reception by the chairman of the court and judges is carried out according to two-word notation.
Reception of citizens on weekends:
is carried out by the assistants of the judges of the Orda District Court and the permanent judicial presence in the village. Uinskoe
on the third Saturday of the last month of each quarter from 9:00 to 13:00.
Reception is conducted - in the Ordinskiy district court:
assistant to the chairman of the court Okuntseva Yulia Mikhailovna;
assistant judge Pankratova Olga Anatolyevna;
In PSP s. Uinskoe:
assistant to the judge Krylova Natalia Viktorovna;
assistant to the judge Neshataeva Svetlana Ilinichna.
The office of the court receives citizens in accordance with the working hours of the court.
The work of the reception office of the Orda District Court in terms of receiving procedural documents has been resumed. Submission of documents to the court is also possible in electronic form through the "Electronic Justice" service or on paper by mail.
Taking into account the Decree of the Governor of the Perm Territory of August 20, 2020 No. 121 "On measures taken in connection with the threat of the spread of a new coronavirus infection (COVID-2019) in the Perm Territory" (as amended on January 22, 2021) , personal reception of citizens by the leadership of the court has been suspended.
Participants of court sessions, when they are in the building of the Orda District Court, must use personal protective equipment (protective masks).
In the absence of a protective mask, citizens will not be allowed into the premises of the court, including the courtrooms.
In addition, being in the building of the Orda District Court, visitors must comply with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor on the observance of the principle of social distancing about a distance of at least one and a half meters between citizens. Taking into account this requirement, access to courts may be restricted to persons who are not parties to the proceedings.
Composition of the Court
Chairman of the Orda District Court : | Tutynina Tatyana Nikolaevna |
Judges of the Orda District Court: | Vavikina Tatyana Sergeevna Kuzovleva Natalya Beybalovna |
Court staff
Court administrator tel. (34258) 2-09-57 | Valentina Nikolaevna Kobeleva |
Court office tel. (34258) 2-04-47 | Yelkina Galina Anatolyevna |
Assistant to the President of the Court: Assistant to the Judge: tel. (34258) 2-11-59 | Okuntseva Yulia Mikhailovna Pankratova Olga Anatolyevna |
Secretaries of the court session tel. (34258) 2-04-47 |
Permanent judicial presence in the village of Uinskoe Uinsky region of the Perm Territory
Composition of the court
Judges: Bratchikova Nadezhda Aleksandrovna
Shestakova Natalya Vladimirovna
Court apparatus
Court office tel. (34259) 2-34-33 | |
Assistant judges: tel. (34259) 2-40-17 | Krylova Natalia Viktorovna Neshataeva Svetlana Ilinichna |
Secretaries of the court session tel. (34259) 2-40-17 |
Grounds for empowering judges Ordinsky District Court
Chairman of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory: Tutynina Tatiana Nikolaevna. Experience in the legal profession since 2003, including as a judge since 2005. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 719 of 13. 11. 2014, by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 4 of 02. 01. 2021, she was appointed Chairperson of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. By the decision of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Perm Territory No. 3. 2/2 dated 03.24.2020, the 5th qualification class was assigned. Film Judges:
Vavikina Tatiana Sergeevna. Experience in the legal profession since 2000, including as a judge since 2012. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 111 of 11.03.2016 she was appointed as a judge of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. Has 7 qualification class. Film Kuzovleva Natalya Beybalovna. Experience in the legal profession since 2002, including as a judge since 2016. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 601 of 10. 11. 2016 she was appointed as a judge of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. Has 7 qualification class. Film Bratchikova Nadezhda Alexandrovna. Experience in the legal profession since 2003, including as a judge since 2005. ... By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 14. 06. 2012 No. 850 Bratchikova N. A. was appointed a judge of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. By the decision of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Perm Territory No. 6. 2/11 of 21.07.2020, the 6th qualification class was assigned. Film Shestakova Natalya Vladimirovna. Experience in the legal profession since 2001, including as a judge since 2013. By the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 393 of 22.04.2013, she was appointed judge of the Ordinsky District Court of the Perm Territory. By the decision of the Qualification Collegium of Judges of the Perm Territory No. 5. 2/14 of 23.06.2020, the 6th qualification class was assigned.
Powers of the court
The jurisdiction of the Orda District Court extends to the territory of the village. Horde and Orda region, as well as, from June 17, 2012, to the territory of the Uinsky district of the Perm region, where a permanent judicial presence was formed.
In accordance with Art. 21 of the Federal Constitutional Law of December 31, 1996 No. 1-FKZ "On the judicial system of the Russian Federation", the district court, within its competence, considers cases as a court of first and second instance and exercises other powers provided for by federal constitutional law.
The District Court is the immediately higher judicial instance in relation to justices of the peace acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
The powers, procedure for the formation and activities of a district court are established by federal constitutional law.
In accordance with Art. 1 of the Federal Constitutional Law of February 7, 2011 No. 1-FKZ "On Courts of General Jurisdiction in the Russian Federation", district courts are referred to as courts of general jurisdiction.
In accordance with Art. 34 of the named Federal Constitutional Law, the district court considers all criminal, civil and administrative cases as a court of first instance, with the exception of cases referred by federal laws to the jurisdiction of other courts. In the cases established by federal law, the district court hears cases of administrative offenses.
The District Court has the right to appeal on the basis of Part 4 of Art. 125 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation to the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation with a request about the constitutionality of the law to be applied in a particular case.
The District Court considers appeals, submissions against decisions of justices of the peace, acting in the territory of the respective judicial region.
The District Court, in accordance with federal law, considers cases on new or newly discovered circumstances. Film According to Art. 24 of the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, civil cases subordinate to the courts, with the exception of cases provided for in Art. 23, 25, 26, 27 of this Code are considered by the district court as a court of first instance.
Free legal assistance
(Perm, Yekaterininskaya St. 24 t. (342) 212-12-61)
Free legal assistance in the form of legal advice in oral and written form, in the form of drawing up applications, complaints, petitions and other documents of a legal nature.
Free legal aid in the form of representing the interests of a citizen in courts, state and municipal bodies, organizations is provided to citizens who have the right to receive free legal aid.
Territories of the region | Contact information |
g. Kungur, Kungursky, Berezovsky, Kishertsky, Ordinsky, Suksunsky, Uinsky districts | Kungur, Vorovskogo, 2 t. (34271) 2 49 97 |
The list of lawyers providing free legal aid is posted on the official website of the Agency for Justice and Justices of the Peace Perm Territory in the section "Free legal aid": www. mirust. permkrai. ru
You can also clarify the address and contact details of a lawyer by calling the Chamber of Advocates of the Perm Territory 8 (342) 210-31-61. : Kungur, st. Vorovskogo, 2. Reference information by phone: 8 (34 271) 2 49 97, residents of the Uinsky district can contact the Chernushinsky consultation center located in the city library of Chernushka, st. 48th Rifle Brigade, 3 tel. 89048498811.
Every month the lawyers of the State Legal Bureau of the Perm Territory hold field receptions of citizens in the village. Horde in MBU "Intersettlement Central Library named after FF Pavlenkova Orda municipal district "at the address: with. Horde, st. May 1, no. 1-a.
Pre-registration by phone: 8 (34258) 2-04-05, Timofeeva Irina Ivanovna. Film In with. Uinskoye in the premises of the intersettlement central library at the address: s. Uinskoe st. Proletarskaya, 8.
Pre-registration by phone: 8 (32259) 2-36-76 Gorsheneva Svetlana Anatolyevna.
Details for paying the state fee to the Orda District Court
Payee's name | UFK in the Perm Territory (for Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service No. 6 in the Perm Territory) |
KPP | 591 801 001 |
INN | 5918003420 |
OKTMO code | 57 53 80 00 ( for the Orda District Court) |
K/s | 40102810145370000048 |
UFK account number in the Perm Territory | 03100643000000015600 |
Bank name | DEPARTMENT OF PERM BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Perm region, Perm | tr>
BIK | 015773997 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 182 108 03 010 01 1050 110 |
Name of payment | State duty in court cases (GP) |
Details for paying the state fee when filing a complaint with the Perm Regional Court
Name of the payee | UFK for the Perm Territory (IFTS of Russia for the Leninsky District of Perm) |
Checkpoint | 590201 001 |
INN | 590229078 7 |
OKTMO | 57701000 |
Single Treasury Account Treasury Account | 401 028 101 453 700 000 48 031 006 430 000 000 156 00 |
Name of the beneficiary's bank | Branch Perm, Perm |
BIK | 015773997 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 182 108030100110501 10 |
Name of payment | Payment of state duty |
Details for payment of state duty when filing a complaint to the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation
Name of the payee | UFK in Moscow (IFTS of Russia No. 4 in Moscow, l/s 40100770004) |
Checkpoint | 770401001 |
TIN | 770 405 8987 |
OKTMO code | 453 74 000 |
Account Correspondent account | 031 006 430 000 000 173 00 401 028 105 453 700 000 03 |
Bank name | Main Directorate of the Bank of Russia for the Central Federal District // UFK for MOSCOW, Moscow |
BIK | 004 525 988 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 182 108030200110501 10 |
Payment name | State duty on cases, considered by the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation |
Details for payment of the fine
Name of the payee | UFK for the Perm Territory (Office of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Perm Territory) |
KPP | 590501 001 |
TIN of the tax authority | 590523970 0 |
OKATO code | 572380000 00 |
Payee's account number | 401018 107000000100 03 |
Bank name | GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm city |
BIK | 045773 001 |
KBK | 322 116 17 000 01 0000 140 |
Name of payment | payment of the fine |
Details for payment of the state fee to the Orda district court (PSP in s. Uinskoe)
Name of the payee | UFK in the Perm Territory (for Interdistrict IFTS No. 6 in the Perm Territory) |
Checkpoint | 591 801 001 |
INN | 5918003420 |
OKATO code | 57238828000 |
OKTMO | 57552000 |
UFC account number in the Perm Territory | 03100643000000015600 |
Beneficiary's bank name | DEPARTMENT OF PERM BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Perm region, Perm |
BIK | 015773997 |
К/с | 40102810145370000048 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 18210803010011050110 |
Payment name | state duty (court of general jurisdiction) |
Details for payment of state duty in case of monetary penalties (fines)
(that is, fines imposed by the administrative commission of the administration of the Uinsky municipal district and under the administration of the Uinsky district)
The name of the payee | FKK in the Perm Territory (Administration of the Uinsky municipal district of the Perm edges) |
KPP | 595101001 |
INN | 5953000292 td> |
OKATO code | 57252000000 |
P/account | 40101810700000010003 td > |
Name of the beneficiary's bank | GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm |
BIK td > | 045773001 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 44411690020020000140 |
Payment name | payment of a fine |
Details for payment of the state duty in case of monetary penalties (fines)
(that is, fines, imposed by the Commission on Minors' Affairs under the Administration of the Uinsky District)
Name of the payee | UFK in the Perm Territory ( Financial Department of the Administration of the Uinsky Municipal District of the Perm Territory) |
KPP | 595101001 |
TIN td > | 5953001497 |
OKATO code | 57252000000 |
Payee's account number td > | 40101810700000010003 |
Bank name | GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm |
BIK | 045773001 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 03711690050050000140 |
Name of payment | payment of a fine |
Details for payment of state fees in case of monetary penalties (fines)
(that is, fines imposed by the Uinsky Municipal Department of the Interior):
Beneficiary's name | UFK for the Perm Territory (Department of Internal Affairs for the Uinsky Municipal District of the Perm Territory) |
Checkpoint | 595101001 |
INN | 5953000133 |
OKATO code | 57252000000 |
Account number payee | 40101810700000010003 |
Bank name | GRKTS GU Bank of Russia for the Perm Territory, Perm | tr>
BIK | 045773001 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 18811621050050000140 |
Payment name | fine payment |
Budget classification code (BCC): 18811630000010000140 "Monetary penalties (fines) for administrative offenses in the field of road traffic."
Budget classification code (KBK): 18811690050050000140 “Other receipts from monetary penalties (fines) and other amounts in compensation for damage, credited to the budgets of municipal districts.
Details for payment of the state fee at the attorney's fee
Payee's name | UFC in the Perm Territory (Department of bailiffs in the Oktyabrsky and Uinsky districts of the Federal Bailiff Service of Russia in the Perm Territory, l/s 05561A97680) |
KPP | 590501001 |
INN | 5905239700 |
OKATO code | 57252000000 | tr >
P/account | 40102810145370000048 |
P/s | 03212643000000015600 | tr >
Name of the beneficiary's bank | DEPARTMENT OF PERM BANK OF RUSSIA // UFK in the Perm Territory, Perm |
BIK | 015773997 |
Budget classification code (BCK) | 32211621010010000140 |
Payment name td > | payment of state duty |
Contact information about mediators
Perm regional public organization "Association of Mediation of the Perm Territory"
... Perm st. Borchaninov, 1-75. Tel. 8-902-79-87-276
Non-profit partnership of professional mediators of the Perm region
г. Perm st. Kuibyshev, 97a, office 4, tel. 8 (342) 294-04-32, fax 241-40-30, Vera Aleksandrovna Koneva, St. Kungur, st. Pugacheva, 48, tel. 8-950-468-57-76
Osokin Sergey Vladimirovich
g. Kungur, st. Education, 1 (Tsentrstroy store, 2nd floor), tel. 8-908-244-81-85
SMS notifications
The courts of the Perm Territory have introduced a system of notification of participants in legal proceedings via SMS messages that can be used during all types of administrative, criminal and civil proceedings. By means of SMS messages, the judicial authorities can notify plaintiffs, defendants, witnesses, experts, translators and other persons participating in the case, transmitting information about the time, date, place of the hearing, unscheduled adjournments of the hearing, changes in the judiciary.
One of the main principles of using SMS-notifications is the principle of voluntariness, that is, sending them can be carried out only with the prior written consent of the participants in the proceedings. For this, the participants in the proceedings are offered this method of notification when they first appear in court. If the person agrees, he fills out a special receipt form. Undoubtedly, this method of notification is beneficial to both the court and the participants in the process.
Reference information on filling vacant positions in the state civil service in the apparatus of the Orda District Court and the results of competitions for filling vacant positions can be obtained at: 617500, p. Horde, st. Sovetskaya, 24
tel. (34258) 2-04-47
Chief Specialist Yelkina Galina Anatolyevna
Responsible for interaction with the media:
Okuntseva Yulia Mikhailovna - assistant to the chairman of the court
Contact phone - (34258) 2-11-59