• Country: Russia
  • State: Republic of North Ossetia - Alania
  • County: Alagirskij r-n
  • City: g Alagir
  • Street, House: ul Lenina, dom 88/8
  • Postcode: 363240
  • Site: http://alagirsky.wlk.sudrf.ru
  • Phone: (86731)2-02-30, 2-02-02
  • Longitude: 44.219983
  • Latitude: 43.034792

Territorial jurisdiction
Alagirsky district: Alagir urban settlement (city of Alagir, settlements of Tamisk, Cementny), rural settlements of Biragzangskoe (villages of Upper Biragzang, Lower Biragzang), Buronskoe (Buron village), Gorno-Kartsinskoe (villages of Kartsa, Gusyra), Dzuarikauskoe (villages of Dzuarikau, Tagardon), Zaramagskoe (villages of Vartse, Upper Zaramag, Zgil, Kalak, Kamskho, Lisri, Lower Zaramag, Sagol, Satat , Tib, Tibsli, Khudisan, Tsmi), Krasnokhodskoye (the village of Krasny Khod), Mayramadagskoye (the villages of Kodakhdzhin, Mayramadag), Mizurskoye (the villages of Arkhon, Bad, the village of Upper Zgid, the villages of Daikau, Kuraitta, the village of Mizur, the village of Nogkau, the villages of Nuzal, Sadon, Khod village), Narskoe (villages of Elgona, Zrigatta, Kesatikau, Nar, Potyfaz, Regah, Saubyn, Sakhsat, Slas, Tapankau, Tsasem, Tsemsa), Nogkauskoe (villages of Nogkau, Tsalikovo), Ramonovskoe (Ramonovo village), Suadagskoe ( Suadag village), Unal (villages Biz, Upper Unal, Dagom, Donisar, Zintsar, Lower Unal, Ursdon, Kholst village, village Tsamad), Fiagdonskoye (Barzikau village, Upper Fiagdon village, Guli, Dallagkau, Dzivgis, Dzuarikau, Kadat, Lats, Urikau, Kharisdzhin, Khidikus, Tsimiti villages), Khataldonskoye (Khataldon village), Tseyskoye (Abaitikau, Upper Tsey, Lower Tsey villages , Khukali), Tsrauskoye (Tsrau village).

Court opening hours
Monday - Thursday 9.00 - 18.00
Friday 9.00 - 17.00
Lunch break from 13.00 - 14.00
weekends: Saturday, Sunday Reception of citizens by the chairman of the court
Monday from 10.00 to 16.00
reception is carried out without prior appointment,
in cases that do not tolerate delays, reception can be carried out on any working day,
the time of reception of preferential categories of citizens can be agreed by phone: 2-02-02 Federal judges do not receive receptions Reception court
Reception of citizens is carried out daily:
Monday - Thursday from 9.00 to 18.00
Friday from 9.00 to 17.00
break from 13.00 to 14.00 p>

Reception of citizens by employees of the apparatus of the court
Department for ensuring legal proceedings, room. No. 2 tel. 2-02-30
Archive of the court room. No. 4 tel. 2-02-31
Reception hours:
Tuesday 9.00 - 18.00
Thursday 9.00 - 18.00
Lunch break from 13.00 - 14.00
Weekend days: Saturday, Sunday

Issuance of copies of judicial documents
Issuance of writ of execution, copies of judicial acts is carried out:
- writ of execution and copies of judicial acts in criminal, civil and administrative cases - in the court office (court building , 1st floor) - Tuesday, Thursday from 09 o'clock. 00 min. until 18 o'clock. 00 min. Lunch from 13:00 00 min. until 14 o'clock. 00 min.

  • In order to obtain copies of procedural documents and copies of the materials of a case being processed by a judge, it is necessary to apply with an oral or written application to the secretary of the court session of the corresponding judge or with a written application to the court reception.
  • In order to obtain copies of procedural documents and copies of the materials of the case considered and handed over to the court office, it is necessary to apply in writing to the court reception.
  • In order to obtain copies of procedural documents and copies of case materials transferred for storage to the archival department of the court, it is necessary to apply with a written application directly to the court office or to the court reception.

The court is obliged to send copies of procedural documents to persons participating in the case, in cases provided for by applicable law. In other cases, copies of decisions, rulings and rulings of the court (judge) are issued to the parties only at their request.

From November 16, 2021, participants in court hearings will be admitted to the courthouse only at the appointed time and for the period of the case, after contactless body temperature control carried out by bailiffs, Mandatory treatment of hands with an antiseptic and in the presence of personal protective equipment (masks, respirators).
Access to the court of persons who are not participants in trials is limited.
It is forbidden to enter the courthouse if you have symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) and acute respiratory viral disease. Participants in court sessions with a body temperature of 37 degrees Celsius and above or refusal to control body temperature are not allowed into the court building.
In the courthouse, it is mandatory to wear masks and maintain a social distance of 1.5-2.0 meters.
In case of non-observance of the specified restrictions, the admission to the courtrooms and to the premises of the court for the participants in the court session will be limited.

Inquiry phone numbers:
Reception: (8 867 31) 2-02-02
Judicial Support Department
(8 867 31) 2-02-30
(8 867 31) 2-02-31
Fax: (8 867 31) 2-02-30

Composition of the court

Position Surname, name, patronymic Office phone Cab. Basis for empowerment
Chairman Tomaev Kazbek Pokhriyevich     Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 14, 2017 No. 596
Assistant to the Chairman of the Court Khuzmieva Madina Borisovna /8 867 31/2-02-37 17  
Clerk of court sessions Alesya Aleksandrovna Magkeeva /8 867 31/2-02-02 22  
Judge Igor Timurovich Sidakov     Order of the Judicial Department in North Ossetia-Alania dated 04.05.2010 No. 174
Assistant Referee David Yakovlevich Tadtaev      
Secretary of Court Sessions Almira Tamerlanovna Agnayeva /8 867 31/2-02-33 25  
Judge Marat Kabolov     Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 06.09.2008 No. 1319
Assistant judge Bo toeva Timina Petrovna Vladimirovna /8 867 31/2-02-32 20  
Judge Irina Vladislavovna Gusova     Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 1693
Assistant Referee Anatoliy Alekseevich Bolotaev      
Secretary of Court Sessions Victoria Yurievna Alborova /8 867 31/2-02-34 26  
Judge Cherchesova Larisa Aslanbekovna     Order of the Judicial Department in RNO- Alania dated 24. 11. 2021 No. 200-l/s    
Secretary of Court Sessions Regina Kazbekovna Shanaeva /8 867 31/ 2-02-35 21  
Court Administrator Gubayev Soslanbek Ge Nnadievich /8 867 31/2-02-40 9  
Court consultant Marzoeva Zalina Borisovna /8 867 31/2-02-36 11  
Head of the Legal Proceedings Department Elma Ruslanovna Kaitukova /8 867 31/
Leading Specialist Rita Vladimirovna Gergieva /8 867 31/

Information about judges and the grounds for empowering judges
KP Tomaev was born on January 5, 1964 in the village of. Ruk of the Dzhavsky district of the South Ossetian Autonomous Region. In 1990 he graduated from the North Ossetian State University. K. L. Khetagurova. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.02.2001 No. 117 "On the appointment of chairmen of district (city) courts", he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Kirovsky District Court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 3-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 31, 2005 No. 999 “On the appointment of chairmen of district (city) courts”, he was appointed to the post of chairman of the Kirovsky district court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 6-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 02.07.2010 No. 823 “On the appointment of chairmen of district (city) courts”, Tomaev K.P. was appointed to the post of chairman of the Alagirsky district court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 6-year term of office. By order of the Chairman of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation No. 440/kd dated June 22, 2016, Tomaev K.P. was entrusted with the temporary exercise of the powers of the chairman of the Alagirsky district court of North Ossetia-Alania. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated December 14, 2017 No. 596, he was appointed Chairman of the Alagirsky District Court in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania for a 6-year term of office. For conscientious work, devotion to the chosen cause, professionalism, significant personal contribution to the protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, the interests of society and the state, he was awarded a diploma of the Council of Judges of North Ossetia-Alania 31. 01. 2020
Sidakov I. T. was born on August 23 1961 in Tashkent, Uzbek SSR. In 1983 he graduated from the Tashkent State University named after. Lenin. By the decision of the Supreme Council of the SOASSR of 20.07.1990, he was appointed people's judge of the Industrial District People's Court. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 30, 1999 N1318, he was appointed to the position of a judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 29, 2004 N387 “On the appointment of chairmen of district (city) courts”, Sidakov I.T. was appointed to the post of chairman of the Alagirsky district court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 6-year term of office. By order of the Office of the Judicial Department in North Ossetia-Alania dated 04.05.2010 No. 174, Sidakov I.T. was appointed to the position of judge of the Alagir District Court of North Ossetia-Alania. For a great contribution to the development of justice, improvement of the judicial system, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, exemplary performance of official duties and high performance in work, he was awarded a diploma of the Council of Judges of North Ossetia-Alania on December 27, 2012.
Kabolov MA was born on August 17, 1978 in the town of Ordzhonikidze SOASSR. In 2001 he graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Moscow State Social University. From March 1998 to February 2001, Kabolov M.A. worked as a leading specialist in the personnel department of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of North Ossetia - Alania. From September 2003 to March 2005, he worked as an assistant to the prosecutor of the Industrial District of Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania. From February 2001 to March 2002, he worked as an investigator at the Prosecutor's Office of the Kirovsky District of North Ossetia-Alania, and from March 2002 to September 2003, he worked as an Assistant Prosecutor of the Kirovsky District of North Ossetia-Alania. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 15, 2005 No. 300 “On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts”, he was appointed to the position of a judge of the Alagir District Court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 3-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated September 6, 2008 No. 1319 “On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts”, Kabolov M.A. was appointed to the position of a judge of the Alagirsky District Court of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania for an unlimited term of office. For a great contribution to the development of justice, improvement of the judicial system, ensuring the rights and freedoms of citizens, exemplary performance of official duties and high performance in work, he was awarded a diploma of the Council of Judges of North Ossetia-Alania on December 22, 2011.
Cherchesova L. A. was born on July 2, 1970 in Alagir, SOASSR. In 1998 she graduated from the North Ossetian State University named after I. K. L. Khetagurova. Cherchesova L.A. began her career at the Stroymaterialy plant, after which from 1988 to 1989 she worked as a secretary of the court of the Industrial People's Court of the city of Ordzhonikidze of the SO ASSR. From 1989 to 2001 she worked as a secretary of the court sessions of the Industrial People's Court of the city of Ordzhonikidze SOASSR. Since 2001, she has been appointed to the position of federal judge of the Alagirsky District Court of North Ossetia-Alania for a 3-year term of office. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 11, 2005 No. 1193 "On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts" she was appointed to the position of a judge of the Alagirsky District Court of North Ossetia-Alania for an unlimited term of office. For exemplary performance of official duties and high performance in the work Cherchesova L. A. was awarded a diploma of the Council of Judges of North Ossetia-Alania on February 25, 2011.
Gusova IV was born on August 19, 1980 in the town of Beslan, North Ossetia-Alania. In 2001 she graduated from the Faculty of Law of the Vladikavkaz Institute of Management. By the Decree of the Parliament of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania No. 399/25 dated September 24, 2009, she was appointed to the position of Justice of the Peace of the Court District No. 34 of Pravoberezhny District of the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2011 No. 1693 "On the Appointment of Judges of District Courts", she was appointed to the position of judge of the Alagir District Court of North Ossetia-Alania for an unlimited term of office.

Information on filling vacancies in the state civil service in the court apparatus, with the exception of those that are filled without a competition (positions of assistant judges, specialists of 1, 2 and 3 categories ), can be obtained by tel. (886731) 2-02-30

Responsible for working with the media and filling the Internet site of the Alagir District Court of North Ossetia-Alania,
Consultant to the court: Marzoeva Zalina Borisovna
phone: /886731/ 2-02-36


tr>Payee's account number (settlement/account)03100643000000011000
Name of payee Federal Treasury Department for North Ossetia-Alania (UFTS for North Ossetia-Alania) 151501001
Name of the bank BRANCH-NB OF THE REPUBLIC NORTH OSSETIA-ALANIA Vladikavkaz ) 18210803010011000110
Name of payment State duty

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